Cookie Swap
3 min readJun 11, 2021


A brand new and improved next generation yield farm coming to Binance Smart Chain focusing on deflationary measures for sustained growth.‌

Our main focus is on the tokenomics of COOKIE. We have devised a system that uses mathematical calculations to decide the optimum tokenomics for our project, ensuring that holders of our native tokens are rewarded greatly and prevent the price of $COOKIE from tanking. Check out the tokenomics section in this Gitbook for detailed information on how it came about.

🚀 Launch

CookieSwap Token has launched

  • Fair, Stealth, Anti-Whale Launch
  • No Presale, No Premine, No Prefarm
  • View our countdown.
  • Initial Liquidity: $3000
  • Initial $COOKIE Tokens: 20,000
  • Start Price: $0.15
  • Initial Starting Tokens chosen based on mathematic formulas and geometric progression. See how we came to this value on this page.
  • Liquidity will be provided as such: $1500 BUSD + $1500 BUSD WORTH OF BNB

Farming will begin approximately 11 hours after launch on Block 8347500

View our countdown.


📝 Contracts

Token Address: 0x3505BEE89D3b4E351DBD4849241a6b0716Ea407f
MasterChef Address: 0x7Bb7Eff05A354EEE0a321f08D081625805558b9f
Timelock Address: 0x066F066e466F61D15dF268f350B7f32634bc4aCc
Referral: 0xdA19F289766e0C5F9C9a92ff3a3B3ccCBAF4e34b

CookieSwap Token‌

  • Token Name: Cookie
  • Token Symbol: $COOKIE
  • Token Address: 0x3505BEE89D3b4E351DBD4849241a6b0716Ea407f
  • Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)
  • Max Supply: Unlimited (But deflationary)

💹 Sustainable Tokenomics

Our Cookie Swap Factories contain the following variables:

Initial Emission Rate: 0.8 $COOKIE/Block
Reduction Rate: 12%
Reduction Interval: Every 12 hours
~ 14,400 Blocks

Initial Supply: 20,000
Total Supply (approx.): 100,000

Plugging in these values into our Cookie Tokenomic Formula, we get this graph

Graph Shows total supply at around 100,000 $COOKIE, plateauing at 2 weeks (336 hrs)

As you can see, the total supply of COOKIE begins to flatten and plateau around 336 hours (2 weeks) Each dot representing each time the emission rate is auto reduced. Hence, the Final Emission Rate would be close to~0 $COOKIE/Block.

  • Using mathematical algorithms, we have come up with the optimum values for initial supply, emission rate, emission reduction rate and emission reduction interval. The amount of COOKIE tokens will plateau (Negligible Emissions) 2 weeks after farms begin.
  • Layer 2 COOKIE will open 1.5 Weeks after farms begin for the holders of COOKIE to earn amazing rewards.

🔥 Transfer Tax

Transfer Tax Rate: 5%

  • 20% of the transfer tax (5%) will be automatically burnt immediately.
  • Burning further controls the supply of COOKIE circulating
  • Devs will also consistently burn ALL COOKIE tokens in their wallet and post link proofs in our telegram chat
  • 80% of the transfer tax (5%) will be automatically added into the COOKIE-BNB LP pool and locked.
  • This increases the liquidity available, thus reducing price impact of transactions. Sustaining the price of COOKIE

🐳 Anti-Whale

  • Max transaction will be 2.5% of the TOTAL SUPPLY of $COOKIE
  • Any transactions that exceed 2.5% of the TOTAL SUPPLY of $COOKIE will be rejected.

Safety Features

🔥 100% Initial Liquidity Burn

❗️ No Migrator Code

✅ Timelock Activated


  1. RugDoc Review & Advertising (COMPLETE!)
  2. Launch COOKIE Token
  3. Burn Initial Liquidity
  4. Activate Timelock Apply for listings
  5. Techrate Paid Audit

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